Monday, July 2, 2018

Hey Big Heads and Strangers,


Today I am finishing a draft I started on a while back called “Life Doesn’t Give A Fxck”. I pretty much wrote this for people who are combating a lot of lying in bed and not getting things accomplished because of worrying or depression. The fact of the matter is that life goes on, and we can’t allow circumstances to get the best of us. Peruse that your leisure!

-The Succubus


Tuesday, Feb 13, 2018

Hey Bigheads and Strangers!

It feels great coming back to this blog. It’s pretty much therapeutic for me lol. I loved that this blog was just a great hit for it to be as small as it is, but I may start discussing more controversial opinions. It’s cool to give advice, but it’s also to cool for everyone to be aware. Yeah, I understand that my views can be that much different than some of my audiences’, but I feel like if I have this outlet. I can also be a voice for what I believe in. With that being said, this blog is going to take a shift. Some may stay, some may leave, but life goes on.

-The Succubus

Friday, Feb 9, 2018

Soooooo….. How’s it going?

It feels like it’s been forever, but happy New Year! I feel like me coming back to this blog is long overdue, so I’m definitely going to follow through with it. I took time off to focus more on home and family, but I think it is time for me to come back. This blog was not only a way to help others, but it also helped me solve some of my own problems. I love coming back and reading some of my work, and it’s a joy to know that it has helped a lot of people that are close and dear to me. I really appreciate the support because I know in an industry circulated by creativity and art, it is hard to find support. I feel like I’ve made you guys wait long enough, so I will be editing some unreleased blogs that were unfinished until I start my brainstorming process. Cool?

-The Succubus

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Hello Strangers and Bigheads,

I’ve been on a brief hiatus from my blog following some major life changes, but I’m back, and I’m ready to be inspired. I wrote an article into my life of becoming a nude model today, and I’m also hoping to launch my series, “I’m Asking For A Friend”. Writing is something that I love to do, and I feel like if I’m not writing then I’m not only cheating myself and talents. but I’m cheating the universe because that gift was given to me, and I haven’t been able to give it back to the universe. This is something that I hope to straighten up soon, and I thank you guys so much for your patience. I have also taken time away from cosplay to focus on adulting. I will be back at it once I figure out life, but of course, that is something that I love to do, as well.

Thank you guys again for your support!

-The Succubus

Wednesday, Apr. 5, 2017

Good morning and good vibes!

I have been away for a little bit to focus on my modeling for a month, but I’m back and more focused than ever. I haven’t uploaded any new shoots yet, but I am planning to in the near future. Who To Watch is still going on, and I have interviewed some amazing, talented individuals. The success of this series makes me want to continue with it again in September. I want to feature as many people as I can because if you’re talented then you should share your gift with the world.

I am also starting a new series next month called “I’m Asking For A Friend”. This is a typical advice column, but I am hoping to add a little humor while helping others with their issues or dilemmas. I truly can’t wait to get started. Again, thank you all for the love and support. Denova cannot exist without you guys.

-The Succubus

Thursday, Mar. 2, 2017

Good morning and good vibes!

Today in The Awkward Succubus, I am wrapping up my Love and Relationships series with “Hello Anxiety, Old Friend…..” where I am discussing relationship anxiety, two common forms, and the best solution. Relationships can require a lot of work, but they’re never intended to make you anxious or petrified. Check out this topic if you’ve ever had this issue. Love is supposed to be healthy and supportive. Not the opposite.

-The Succubus

Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017

It’s the weekend!

It has been such an action-packed week for me, but I was able to add new content as well as post the blog topic for this week.

On Thursday, I posted about the Golden Rule and how it is important to remember it in relationships. I feel that this is a main component that is missing in relationships, and this is why so many relationships fail. Your partner is supposed to be on your team, so why would you not treat them the way that you’d like to be treated? Break away from that pride, and your relationship will thrive.

I also added new shoots to Denova, The Model page. I did an amazing, beautiful photoshoot with DR Graphics and Photography, and I had so much fun. I hope you guys enjoy the looks as much as we did creating them.

-The Succubus

Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2017

Happy Wednesday!

Today is the day after Valentine’s Day, so it drove me to discuss that it is fine to not have a significant other right now. If you’re single, I want to let you know that there is nothing wrong with you. There are 7 billion people on this earth. Your match has just not discovered you yet. During this time, it is important to focus on being the best you that you can be, so you don’t fall victim to unhealthy relationships due to loneliness.

I have also added a video on Good Vibes (formerly known as The Quixotic Yogini and Good Vibes). It’s a short video, but I’m practicing on my two weakest poses and plan to show my progress more and more as time goes on. Thank you all for your support and love!

-The Succubus

Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2017

Hello all!

Today, I posted a topic that was near and dear to me. It wasn’t necessarily a post where I’m calling people out, but more so telling people to be aware. Sex is a contract that we sign with our bodies. We are agreeing to take anything and everything our partner gives us when we lie down with them. That’s why we have to be cautious and wary of who we let in our lives and in our beds. There’s too many people with horrid energies and vibes out there that can cause you chaos, spiritually. I’m in no way attacking polyamorous culture because everyone in that community are happy and there’s no confusion and deception. Please be careful out there. Protect your bodies and your spirit.

-The Succubus

Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017

Good morning everyone! Happy Tuesday!

Today, I updated content on my new page, Joy’s Bizarre Adventure of Cosplay.  I have included all of the cons to which I am attending this year, provided the reason to my name change, updated my cosplays, and so much more. I got down today, y’all. Enjoy the rest of your day, and I will be posting a new topic for my blog tomorrow following my theme for this month, Love and Relationships. Thank you all again for your support!

-The Succubus

Monday, Feb. 6, 2017

Good morning you guys, and Happy Monday! It is the Monday after Superbowl, and if you’re a football fan like me then you witnessed my Falcons lose against the Patriots. I’m hurt, but I’m not shaken about it. Our team was really good this season.

Anywho, I have posted a topic this past Wednesday after taking a Wednesday to regroup and rebrand. Due to a cosplay contest win, I now cosplay under the name Joy Joestar. I will be explaining more this week on my new page, Joy’s Bizarre Adventure of Cosplay. I even want to discuss more otaku culture and which conventions that I will be appearing to. Thank you all so much for your support, and I am so humble to have so much love from you all.

-The Succubus

Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017

Hello and happy Wednesday again!

Last week, I forgot to post on my bulletin that I posted a topic called “Expect Nothing. Assume Nothing.” which can definitely tie into today’s topic called “Check Yourself!” Life is so unpredictable. You never know what is going to happen. My grandmother was expected to come home on a Friday when she was in the hospital, and died on daughter’s birthday, the following day. It was devastating and hurtful because it caused a huge shift in not just my life, but everyone in my family was affected. My grandmother was the matriarch and the head of our family. Without her, who was going to guide us? Even though tragic events can happen, never let it make you become bitter or angry. It is okay to be upset, but don’t fall into a funk or become depressed. Life goes on, and it does not stop for anybody. You have to pick yourself up and keep it moving. Don’t rush to get over it, take it day by day or even second by second if you have to.

-The Succubus

Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2017

Happy Wednesday to you all!

Today is Wednesday, so you guys know what’s up. I have a new topic for you all called “It Isn’t Kindergarten….”. As funny as the title may sound, I mean what I say. We spend so much time trying to impress others that we change our identity. It is something that I believe was implanted into our beliefs from a very early age. What we should realize, as adults, is that people are going to people. They may like you today and hate you tomorrow. You shouldn’t fret or worry because the people that matter are the ones who are going to love you no matter what.

-The Succubus

Sunday, Jan. 1, 2017

Hey guys!

I want to welcome you all to 2017! WE MADE IT! 2016 is went out kicking and screaming, but it’s finally dead. Let’s bring some positive vibes and optimism in our lives. Let’s also remember to keep our eyes on the prize and set some realistic goals for ourselves this year. We can do anything that we set our minds to as long as we stay focused. I wish you all the best in your endeavors!

-The Succubus

Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2016

Hello all!

The new year is underway, and I’ve been hearing from a lot of people that 2016 was an “L” year for them. This topic, I will be discussing how to prepare for the new year. It is imperative that we keep our energies intact in order to keep afloat with the crazy twists and turns that life has to offer.

-The Succubus

Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2016

Hey you all!

I will be discussing my experience with Christmas and how to cope with the pressure of it. All in all, remember to keep your vibrations high during this season. It is so easy to get discouraged by material things, but there is always someone who has more or less than you do! Happy holidays!

-The Succubus

Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2016

What’s up y’all!

My new blog post for the week is up, and I swore I got down on it! I’m discussing comfort zones and how to get out of them. I’m just following up on my post from last week, “Choosing Your Circle Wisely”. The new year is on its way, and you have to take some chances and risks in order to be truly happy. Check it out whenever you have the chance!

-The Succubus

Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016

Okay, so I did a photoshoot with Anti-Barbie Apparel, and the pictures look dope. Make sure you guys cop the gear and whatnot. Everyone was great and awesome, and they all had amazing energy. This is the start of the work that I will be working on most of next year along with new projects and more shoots! Thank you again for your love and support!

-The Succubus

Hello all!

I am Denova Chaos!

I consider myself “The Awkward One”. I model, skate, cosplay, write and do yoga. Feel free to peruse!

Thank you for your support and donations!








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